Over the years numerous organizations have made the decision to get their safety management systems COR certified and almost all of which saw the benefits of successfully achieving the certification.

The Certificate of Recognition (COR), and the Manufacturing equivalent – the Occupational Safety Standard of Excellence (OSSE), is certificate that is achieved which demonstrates that the employer’s health and safety management system has been evaluated by a certified auditor and meets provincial standards which are established by the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Regulatory body.
Some of the benefits of attaining this recognition include:

Makes a strong public statement about a company’s commitment to protecting the well-being of workers and maintaining a culture of safety on job sites.
Employers are eligible to receive an annual incentive payment from the provincial regulatory body
Over time, with reduced injuries and lower claim costs, a COR company’s experience-rated WorkSafeBC premiums will reflect additional savings.
Being entitled to use the OSSE seal, as only OSSE certified companies can, in all of your marketing and promotional materials will add an important message about your brand for your customers.
Additional benefits shared by other organizations including:

Improved premiums
Higher productivity
Higher profits
Shows corporate responsibility
Shows community stewardship
Be an employer of choice
Remember that if your organization has 20 or more employees you are required by regulations to have an OHS Program, and with this program you can see similar benefits as indicated above while competitively meeting or exceeding the industry standard. Take a moment to evaluate to see if this option and their benefits is right for you.